Accessing Mountain Biking in Marquette: The Kona Hills Connector Trail
The “Kona Hills Connector” trail is located entirely on state of Michigan land. This 1.5 mile trail between Kona Hills and the NTN connects to Mountain Chase and goes all the way to the Iron Ore Heritage Trail via Shirely’s Loop. Kona hills does not currently have any dedicated bike trails of it’s own, currently.

Future Recreational Opportunities: Kona Hills Ice Park
There is a unique opportunity to create an ice park at Kona Hills on the primary rock out cropping along US 41. This rock outcropping is approximately 200ft tall by 200ft wide and offers a wide range of climbing opportunities, naturally. With additional development and infrastructure, there is a wide range of climbing activities that could be facilitated at Kona Hills including ice climbing, mixed climbing, dry-tooling, and even a via ferrata.

Tapping into the Sands Plain Aquifer: The Water Source at Kona Hills
One of the biggest challenges of developing Kona Hills Campground on a massive rock outcropping was securing a reliable water source. Through careful research and by following the path of a nearby abandoned well, we selected a drilling location. What we tapped into wasn’t just any water source—it was a confined aquifer connected to the Sands Plain Aquifer, one of the most important groundwater resources in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

The Future of Kona Hills Campground: Planned Amenities & Upgrades
At Kona Hills Campground, we embrace the beauty of rustic camping. While our initial offerings focus on providing a simple, back-to-nature experience, we have big plans for the future!

What is a Rustic Campground? Understanding the Kona Hills Camping Experience
What exactly does "rustic" mean, and how does it differ from a full-service campground? Rustic campgrounds like Kona Hills are perfect for campers who value privacy, space, and a deep connection with nature—but we understand this style of camping may not be for everyone. If you're looking for a campground with modern amenities, there are great options nearby!